New Contacts and New Opportunities
Providing a unified voice for the pest control industry can be incredibly advantageous as it relates to positively impacting important regulatory measures and spreading necessary awareness of current industry practices. Trade associations try to accomplish both of these goals along with offering members networking and educational opportunities that can, in turn, exponentially increase your customer base.
Listed below are several associations and organizations you may want to look into if you are interested in expanding your industry knowledge and profit-making abilities. Most of the ones that are listed are regional organizations.
Trade Associations Represent the Interests of the Pest Control Industry
National Pest Management Association (NPMA)
(USA, Worldwide)
The National Pest Management Association, established in 1933 with their headquarters in Fairfax, Virginia, has over 5,000 members throughout the world. It was initially created with the main goal of providing an industry-wide commitment to the protection of public health, food, and property from pest related threats. Member benefits run the gamut from education and networking with industry leaders to offering a variety of advocacy opportunities aimed towards shaping public policy.
Membership Details:
There are four different membership options for joining NPMA:
- Pest Management Service Provider
- Manufacturer or Supplier
- Home Inspector, University, Government
- Program Related to Pest Management
Check out or call 800-678-6722 for additional information about each specific membership type.
NPMA will sponsor the Carolinas/Mid-Atlantic Summer Conference in August 2023 in Savannah, Georgia, as well as PestWorld 2023 which will take place in Honolulu, Hawaii in October 2023.
Regional Organizations:
Colorado Pest Control Association
Florida Pest Control Association
New England Pest Management Association
(MA, ME, NH, RI, VT)
New Jersey Pest Management Association
New York Pest Management Association
North Carolina Pest Management Association
Pest Control Operators of California
Tennessee Pest Control Association
Utah Pest Management Association
Washington State Pest Management Association