Organizations You Might Consider Joining
Owning a roofing business can be simultaneously both rewarding and very challenging. Therefore, it can be incredibly beneficial to have other professionals in your industry to lean on and learn from as you navigate the competitive market and grow and expand your clientele. Membership to a trade organization not only lets potential customers know that you go above and beyond your competition to stay informed about the latest industry trends, products, and local building codes, but it also leads to an element of increased trust on the part of home and business owners when they research companies to handle their roofing needs.

Business Owners Can Often Time Benefits from Roofing Trade Associations
Here are a few organizations you might want to consider joining, including some regional organizations:
National Roofing Contractors Association (NRCA)
The National Roofing Contractors Association was established in 1886 and provides a voice for roofing professionals through advocacy opportunities, education, information dissemination, and technology training. The NRCA encompasses members from all facets of the roofing industry, ranging from contractors, manufacturers and distributors to consultants, engineers and governmental agencies.
Membership Details:
Log onto to view specific details about each of the following membership categories:
Manufacturer’s Representative
The NRCA will host their annual convention and expo in Las Vegas February 6-8, 2024 and in San Antonio February 19-21, 2025. There are additional member and committee meetings in various locations throughout the year.
National Women in Roofing Association (NWiR)
(USA, Canada)
Women roofing professionals turn to the National Women in Roofing Association to provide them with the valuable tools and expertise to become empowered and successful in a very competitive, male dominated, industry. This trade organization provides mentorship, networking, education, and industry recruitment opportunities for members.
Membership Details:
Annual membership costs $75.
The 7th annual NWiR Day will take place on February 4, 2024 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Registration will be available soon.
Colorado Roofing Association (CRA)
The main objective for the Colorado Roofing Association, established in 1978, is to encourage informed decision making as it relates to the replacement and maintenance of roofing for home and commercial business owners. Organization membership is currently close to 300 and includes contractors, manufacturers, distributors, consultants, engineers, and other Colorado professionals.
Membership Details:
There are two types of membership to the CRA.
Contractor Membership: $900/Year (Certified Roofing Contractors)
Associate Membership: $900/Year (Suppliers of Products & Services)
Midwest Roofing Contractors Association (MRCA)
(Midwestern Region, USA)
The Midwest Roofing Contractors Association is a regional trade organization that aims to bring together roofing contracting companies, as well as suppliers, from across the Midwest to advocate and circulate information to help improve the roofing industry and give member companies the tools to enhance business growth.
Membership Details:
There are several types of membership levels that include a multitude of benefits, such as discounts to events, publications, seminars, webinars, online directory, technical resources, legal services plan, and more.
The Contractor Membership includes three tiers with varying annual dues and benefits: Platinum $1,500/yr; Gold $1,000/yr; Silver $795/yr
There is also an Associate level membership with many different tiers available as well.
For more specific information for each membership level, you can visit MRCA’s website at
Western States Roofing Contractors Association (WSRCA)
(Western USA)
The Western States Roofing Contractors Association provides a myriad of benefits to members which include industry specific educational seminars, newsletter and trade publications, networking opportunities through their annual convention and trade show, and acting as a liaison between manufacturers and contractors.
Membership Details:
Annual dues to WSRCA are dependent upon a company’s business type, such as roofing consultants, contractors, architects, manufacturers, distributors, etc.
The annual Western Roofing Expo will take place in Las Vegas from September 23-25, 2023 and is known as the premier regional roofing event in the United States.
Mid Atlantic Roofing Contractors Association (MARCA)
(Mid Atlantic Region, USA)
MARCA was established in 2007 upon the merger between the Washington Area Roofing Contractors Association (WARCA) and the Associated Roofing Contractors of Maryland (ARCOM). It currently is composed of more than 200 members that include contractors and suppliers throughout the Washington Metro and surrounding areas. Becoming a member of this organization has many benefits, including the ability to network with other regional roofing contractors and suppliers, as well as being able to take part in some of the many enjoyable annual outings and tournaments.
Membership Details:
There are two types of membership to MARCA:
Contractor Membership dues are based upon the most recent sales revenue for each company – Less than $1 million=$250/yr; $1 million to $3 million=$350/yr; Over $3 million=$500/yr.
Associate Membership dues are $375/yr.