Landscaping Keywords: List of 386 Keywords for Landscapers

Landscaping Keywords Overview

Search engine optimization (SEO) along with paid search advertising are two essential components in effectively promoting your landscaping business on the Internet.  When someone enters their search term into the Google or Bing search engines, ads appear near the top, and the organic search results appear below the ads. Both require relevant keywords to reach your target market.

A successful landscaping SEO campaign will require writing unique content around keywords that are relevant to the services that your landscaping business provides. Local SEO is a subset of SEO that focuses more on ranking in the Google Map Pack. You can use these SEO keywords to enhance and better define your Google Business Profile listing (formerly Google My Business).

Search advertising for landscaping contractors is the process of creating (pay-per-click) PPC campaigns to get your advertisement in front of potential customers precisely at the time they’re seeking your landscaping services. You will use these keywords within the text of a Google Ad, and as keywords within ad campaigns. When someone conducts a Google search, the goal is for your ad and your organic listing to appear prominently in the search results.

Both digital marketing strategies are able to bring landscaping leads to your website where you’ll have the opportunity to convert a potential customer into a paying client.

Search for Your Personal Keywords

In this article, I’ll first talk about the methods and tools that you can utilize to locate more keywords to add to your landscaping campaigns.

Utilize The Keyword List We Have Keyword The List

At the end of this article, I will give you 386 terms related to landscaping services. You can modify these for your own purposes and use them in your own search engine marketing campaigns. You can also utilize the keywords as a start point for search engine optimization to bring more people to your website for free.

Keyword Research Tools

Find Keywords that you can use for your landscaping SEO and Paid Search Campaigns

Notice that in every example I’m using a single seed keyword such as “landscaping contractor”. While this is a decent starting point, you’ll want to get deeper into your landscaping services when using these tools.

For example, you’ll want to try keywords like “sod installation”, “inground sprinkler installs”, “paver patios near me”.  Enter variations of all of your services into the tools for the best results.

Mangools KWFinder

KWFinder is a paid service that begins at around $29 per month however, they offer the option of a free trial for 10 days.

With Mangools the user enters their keyword, location, and language, and it will provide a wealth of data that can be useful for SEO as well as PPC purposes. While the actual data won’t be 100% accurate (only Google has access to 100% accurate data about search queries) but the data can assist you in selecting the correct keywords.

Mangools Results of KWFinder for “landscaping”

In this case we picked “landscaping” as the keyword, and then set the location to “The Woodlands, TX” (1). By default, it shows Related Keywords (2).

It is also possible to change the settings between “Autocomplete” or “Questions”. Writing content for websites around Google Autocomplete or Questions is an effective SEO Strategy. These are usually lower volume keywords that have little in the way of competition thus allowing you to gain an organic flow of web traffic (free) to your company website.

Keyword Table (Left Panel)

Under our search are the keywords returned in the keyword table

Keywords (2) – They are the key words you may want to look over to use in paid search and SEO-related campaigns.

Search (3) -The monthly average volume of searches for the past 12 months , based on parameters of the search (searches for “landscaping” for The Woodlands, TX). We can see that roughly 430 monthly people are searching for “landscaping” in The Woodlands, TX.

CPC (4) – CPC shows what the expected cost for each click for the keyword within Google Ads paid search. Also, using an example like the landscaping example, you’ll see that the estimated cost per click could be around $9.06. It’s just an estimate however, the price per click in your advertising campaign will be different depending on a variety of factors, including the position of your ad and the geographical location where you’re running ads. If we look at the numbers, it’s safe to say that bidding on “landscaping” with an approximate CPC of $9.06 will probably be more costly than bidding on “backyard design” for $1.73.

PPC (5) – PPC shows how difficult the competition is for paid search ads.  100 is higher and indicates extremely competitive bidding.  0 indicates very little competition and likely much lower click costs.  The PPC value of 16 shows that the advertiser competition is on the low side according to KWFinder – which actually kind of conflicts with the rather high CPC cost of $9.06.

KD (6) – It is the keyword difficulty and is used for SEO purposes. For landscaping, the keyword difficulty is 33 – which is “Possible” which means it’s a struggle to rank but it can be done if you have a sound SEO strategy and lots of good quality content on your website. Higher KD values are harder to get to rank high up in the search results. The KD for many keywords isn’t provided.  You can click on the magnifying glass to reveal the KD for those keywords.

Keyword SEO Data (Right Panel)

The right-hand section contains SEO data for the keyword which is highlighted in the left-hand panel. This panel shows the keyword difficulty highlighted once more (7), along with Search Engine Results Page (8) overview. Search Engine Results Page (8) overview of the keyword based upon our keywords search parameters. The top search result is owned by This section gives you great information about the companies you’ll be going up against if you’re trying to rank for a certain keyword.

Make Lists and Export Your Keyword Data

You can make lists and export data from this interface, so that you can identify good keywords for your campaigns offline using a spreadsheet application or a database.


Ahrefs is paid keyword tool that starts at $99/month.  Ahrefs doesn’t offer free trials. ahrefs provides very detailed metrics for PPC and search engine optimization.

Once you’ve signed up, you can navigate to the keywords explorer and input one or moe seed keywords. We’ve entered our keyword – “landscaping” (9) and kept the default search engine (Google) and location (United States).

Enter the seed keyword to Keywords Explorer – then click on “Related Terms”

On the page with results, we can click on “Related Terms” (10) to get a better overview of the available keywords.  This takes us to a list of many related terms we can use as keywords…

You can see that we have 9,398 potential keywords to choose from. You can save these keywords as an excel spreadsheet or export them for offline analysis. 

Ahrefs yields a great deal of SEO and PPC information

Some of the key columns in the results:

KD (12) – This is the keyword difficulty – a proprietary metric developed by ahrefs for determining how difficult it would be to rank for the given keyword. The higher the number, the harder it is to rank a keyword. The KD is the logarithmic scale. This means that the ranking for KD20 keywords are more than twice as hard to rank as KD10 keywords.

Volume (13) – This is the average monthly search volume for the specified keyword based on the search parameters that we used in our original search.

CPC (14) – the approximate cost per click you should anticipate if you’re running ppc ads for this keyword. Ahrefs uses Google data for this estimate, however, as previously mentioned, the cost per click can vary widely for every search and ad placement

SERP (15) – Click here to see the search engine results for a keyword.  Doing so will show you who your competitors are should you try to rank for the keyword.

Export (16) – You can export ahrefs data to do an offline analysis

Keyword Sheeter

Keyword Sheeter was called something a little bit different (and a bit off-color) and was free. Now it appears that they’re moving toward more of a pay-per-click model. However, you can still find results for absolutely no cost.

What it does is give you a list of Google autocomplete suggestions based on the keywords that you provide. Here, from “Keyword Ideas Tools,” (17) and using the default search settings (18), I entered “landscapers” as a seed keyword (19) and clicked on the “Sheet Keywords” button. (20). 

Keyword Sheeter provides results using Google Autocomplete

Keyword Sheeter creates a running list of variations of the keyword that you entered. At the moment you are able to copy the results into a spreadsheet. Subscriptions start at $9/mo.

Google Ads – Keyword Planner for Landscapers

Google has its own keyword research tool within Google Ads. You can set up keywords when you first sign up for Google Ads, and you can edit or add to those keywords at any time. We’ll have an upcoming post on Google Ads for landscapers which goes more in depth on this topic.

If you’ve already signed-up for Google Ads, you can access Google’s Keyword Planner by going to “Tools and Settings” (21), and choosing “Keyword Planner” (22)

Accessing the Google Keyword Planner

Once you’re in the keyword planner, go to “Start with Keywords” (23). Then enter keywords related to your landscaping services (24) – here we entered “sod installation”. You’ll want to enter many of your services here. Once you’re done to go on, click the”Get Results” button(25).

Keywords that are seeded in Google’s Keyword Planner

As you see below, Google provides 534 Keywords (26). The keyword suggestions (27) along with the monthly average keywords for each (28), and top of the page bidding details (29) and (30) are all displayed.

You can expand your results by broadening your search by clicking on a Google suggested keyword (31).  You can also refine your keywords or download the results by clicking on the appropriate link in the upper right(32). 

Keyword planner results for “landscaping”

You can automatically put these keywords right into your existing Google Ads search campaigns if desired.  

Search Engine Optimization and PPC Keywords for Landscapers

Based on my experience and the use of the tools listed above, here is a starting set of 386 landscaping keywords to think about using for your digital marketing efforts.

It’s not a complete list, and you should do your own keyword research to find terms that are relevant to your business.


Remember that for paid-search campaigns, it is necessary to include qualifiers for some of the phrases below.

Location qualifiers

For example, a lot of people are searching for “near my home”, “my area” or their location (e.g. “new patio design and install Albuquerque”). So, for certain landscaping keywords, you could want to include city names that you service (or the “near me” qualifier).

Price qualifiers

You’ll see below that there are a lot of price-related keywords.  I probably don’t have to tell you that landscaping customers that completely dialed in on price usually aren’t the best.  The best customers are willing to listen to what makes your services so much better than the competition that they’ll be getting incredible value – not the cheapest deal around.  You get what you pay for – and spending a lot of time trying to optimize or bid on price-related keywords usually isn’t the best.  You don’t want to be known as the cheapest landscaper around.  It is much better to be known as the best landscaper in your town.

Negative Keywords

Many of the terms below are pretty popular searches for customers seeking landscaping services. If you’re not offering one of the popular services or products are shown below, you should choose to make it a negative keyword in Google Ads or Microsoft Ads.  As an example, If you don’t do inground sprinkler installations, you probably want to make “sprinklers” and related terms negative keywords.  You don’t want ads for your business appearing for landscaping services that you don’t offer.

Keywords for Backyard Landscaping

  • backyard landscape companies near me
  • backyard landscaping companies near me
  • backyard landscaping near me
  • backyard makeover companies near me
  • backyard makeover near me
  • backyard renovation near me

Commercial Landscaping Keywords

  • commercial landscape contractors near me
  • commercial landscape maintenance companies near me
  • commercial landscape maintenance near me
  • commercial landscapers near me
  • commercial landscaping companies near me
  • commercial landscaping services near me
  • commercial lawn care companies near me
  • commercial lawn maintenance companies near me

Concrete Landscaping Keywords

  • concrete and landscaping companies near me
  • concrete curbing companies near me
  • concrete curbing company near me
  • concrete curbing contractors near me
  • concrete edging companies near me
  • concrete edging company near me
  • concrete landscape curbing companies near me
  • concrete landscape edging companies near me
  • curbing companies near me
  • curbing company near me

Deck Keywords

  • deck and landscaping companies near me

Drainage and Grading Keywords

  • backyard drainage contractors near me
  • french drainage contractors near me
  • grading and drainage companies near me
  • grading and drainage contractor near me
  • grading and drainage contractors near me
  • grading and landscaping companies near me
  • land grading companies near me
  • landscape and drainage contractors near me
  • landscape drainage companies near me
  • landscape grading and drainage contractors near me
  • landscape grading companies near me
  • landscape grading contractors near me
  • landscape grading services near me
  • landscaping and drainage companies near me
  • landscaping and grading companies near me
  • landscaping grading services near me
  • landscaping water drainage contractors near me
  • lawn drainage company near me
  • lawn drainage contractors near me
  • lawn grading companies near me
  • outdoor drainage companies near me
  • outdoor drainage contractors near me
  • yard drain companies near me
  • yard drain contractors near me
  • yard drainage company near me
  • yard drainage contractors near me
  • yard drainage system contractors near me
  • yard grading companies near me
  • yard water drainage contractors near me

Eco Friendly Keywords

  • eco friendly landscaping near me
  • eco landscaping near me
  • ecological landscaping near me
  • organic landscaping company near me
  • organic lawn care companies near me
  • organic lawn care near me
  • sustainable landscaping near me

Keywords About Fences

  • fencing and landscaping companies near me
  • fencing and landscaping contractors near me
  • landscaping and fencing companies near me

Garden Keywords

  • garden and landscaping services near me
  • garden landscape companies near me
  • garden landscape services near me
  • garden landscaping companies near me
  • garden landscaping services near me
  • gardener landscaper near me
  • gardening & landscaping services near me
  • gardening and landscaping near me
  • gardening and landscaping services near me
  • gardening companies near me
  • landscape gardeners near me
  • landscape gardening companies near me
  • landscaping and gardening services near me
  • lawn and garden care companies near me
  • lawn and garden companies near me

Keywords for Hardscapes 

  • cement edging companies near me
  • custom curbing concrete edging landscaping near me
  • decorative curbing companies near me
  • hard landscaping companies near me
  • hard landscaping contractors near me
  • hard landscaping near me
  • hardscape and landscape companies near me
  • hardscape companies near me
  • hardscape contractors near me
  • hardscape design companies near me
  • hardscape designers near me
  • hardscape landscapers near me
  • hardscape landscaping near me
  • hardscaping near me
  • hardscaping services near me
  • landscape and hardscape companies near me
  • landscape and hardscape contractors near me
  • landscape curbing companies near me
  • landscape curbing contractors near me
  • landscape edging companies near me
  • landscape hardscape contractors near me
  • landscape hardscape near me
  • landscaping and hardscaping near me
  • landscaping and hardscaping services near me
  • landscaping and paving companies near me
  • lawn edging companies near me

HOA Keywords

  • hoa landscaping companies near me

Landscape Design Keywords

  • backyard design companies near me
  • custom landscape design near me
  • design landscapers near me
  • garden design companies near me
  • garden design near me
  • independent landscape designers near me
  • landscape and design companies near me
  • landscape and design near me
  • landscape and pool design companies near me
  • landscape design and installation near me
  • landscape design companies near me
  • landscape design contractors near me
  • landscape design near me
  • landscape design services near me
  • landscaping designers near me
  • lawn design companies near me
  • outdoor design company near me
  • residential landscape design near me
  • residential landscape designers near me

Lawn Care Kewyords

  • landscape and lawn care services near me
  • landscape and lawn service near me
  • landscaping and lawn care companies near me
  • landscaping lawn care near me
  • lawn care and landscaping companies near me
  • lawn care and landscaping near me
  • lawn care and landscaping services near me
  • lawn care business near me
  • lawn care clean up near me
  • lawn care companies around me
  • lawn care companies near me
  • lawn care companies near my location
  • lawn care contractors near me
  • lawn care landscaping near me
  • lawn care landscaping services near me
  • lawn care providers near me
  • lawn mowing and landscaping services near me
  • professional lawn care near me
  • quality lawn care near me
  • small lawn care companies near me
  • veteran owned lawn care near me

Licensed / Bonded / Insured Keywords

  • licensed landscape contractors near me
  • licensed landscaper near me
  • licensed landscapers near me

Lighting Services Keywords

  • landscape lighting companies near me
  • landscape lighting contractors near me
  • landscape lighting installation companies near me
  • landscape lighting services near me
  • LED landscape lighting
  • outdoor landscape lighting contractors near me
  • outdoor lighting service near me
  • outdoor lighting services near me
  • yard lighting companies near me

Maintenance Services Keywords

  • flower bed maintenance companies near me
  • garden maintenance companies near me
  • garden maintenance services near me
  • ground maintenance companies near me
  • grounds maintenance companies near me
  • grounds maintenance contractors near me
  • landscape and lawn maintenance near me
  • landscape maintenance companies near me
  • landscape maintenance near me
  • landscape maintenance services near me
  • landscaping and maintenance near me
  • lawn and garden maintenance near me
  • lawn and garden maintenance services near me
  • lawn maintenance companies near me
  • lawn maintenance contractors near me
  • organic lawn maintenance near me
  • residential landscape maintenance services near me
  • yard maintenance companies near me

Mulch Keywords

  • landscape mulch companies near me
  • landscape mulching services near me
  • mulch companies near me
  • mulch installation companies near me
  • mulch installation services near me

Patio Keywords

  • brick paver patio companies near me
  • landscape patio contractors near me
  • landscaping and patio companies near me
  • landscaping patio near me
  • patio and landscape companies near me
  • patio and landscaping companies near me
  • patio hardscaping near me
  • patio landscaping companies near me
  • patio landscaping near me

Keywords About Pavers

  • patio paver companies near me
  • patio paver installation companies near me
  • patio paver installer near me
  • patio pavers contractors near me
  • paver patio installation companies near me
  • landscape paver companies near me

Landscapers Pricing Keywords

  • affordable landscaping companies near me
  • affordable landscaping company near me
  • affordable landscaping near me
  • affordable landscaping services near me
  • cheap landscape companies near me
  • cheap landscaping companies near me
  • cheap landscaping near me
  • cheap landscaping services near me
  • landscaping companies near me prices
  • landscaping near me affordable
  • low cost landscaping near me
  • most affordable lawn care near me
  • reasonable landscapers near me
  • reasonable landscaping companies near me
  • reasonably priced landscapers near me

Proximity Keywords

  • all landscaping companies near me
  • big landscape companies near me
  • big landscaping companies near me
  • construction and landscaping companies near me
  • creative landscaping near me
  • custom landscaping near me
  • female owned landscaping business near me
  • find landscapers near me
  • find landscaping companies near me
  • flower bed planting services near me
  • full landscaping services near me
  • full service landscapers near me
  • full service landscaping company near me
  • full service landscaping near me
  • good landscaping companies near me
  • good landscaping company near me
  • groundskeeping services near me
  • handyman landscapers near me
  • handyman landscaping near me
  • home landscaping companies near me
  • home landscaping services near me
  • landscape clean up companies near me
  • landscape cleanup services near me
  • landscape construction companies near me
  • landscape construction near me
  • landscape contractors near me
  • landscape handyman near me
  • landscape installation companies near me
  • landscape installation near me
  • landscape removal services near me
  • landscape renovation near me
  • landscape renovations near me
  • landscape repair near me
  • landscape specialist near me
  • landscape trimming service near me
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  • landscaping around me
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  • landscaping stone company near me
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  • large landscaping companies near me
  • lawn & landscape near me
  • lawn and landscape companies near me
  • lawn and landscape near me
  • lawn and landscaping companies near me
  • lawn and landscaping services near me
  • lawn care service near me
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  • lawnscape services near me
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  • outdoor landscaping companies near me
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  • small landscape companies near me
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  • yard landscaping companies near me
  • yard landscaping ideas
  • yard landscaping near me

Ratings and Review Keywords

Note: Your landscaping company must properly collect, monitor, and reply to reviews from your customers in order to be competitive.

  • best affordable landscapers near me
  • best garden landscapers near me
  • best hardscaping companies near me
  • best landscape architects near me
  • best landscape contractors near me
  • best landscape design companies near me
  • best landscape design near me
  • best landscape gardeners near me
  • best landscape maintenance companies near me
  • best landscape maintenance near me
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  • best landscapers near me
  • best landscaping companies near me
  • best landscaping services near me
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  • best lawn care near me
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  • best rated landscapers near me
  • best rated landscaping companies near me
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  • best residential landscaping near me
  • best sprinkler system repair near me
  • best yard maintenance near me
  • recommended landscapers near me
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  • top 10 landscape companies near me
  • top 10 landscaping companies near me
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  • top rated landscape companies near me
  • top rated landscapers near me
  • top rated landscaping companies near me
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  • top ten landscaping companies near me

Retaining Wall Keywords

  • retaining wall installation companies near me


  • landscaping rock companies near me
  • rock landscaping companies near me
  • stone landscaping companies near me

Sod and New Lawn Keywords

  • landscape sod companies near me
  • landscaping and sod companies near me
  • lawn installation companies near me
  • new lawn installation companies near me
  • sod installation companies near me
  • sod installation near me

Sprinkler and Irrigation Keywords

  • in ground sprinkler system installation near me
  • irrigation and drainage companies near me
  • irrigation and drainage contractors near me
  • irrigation and landscape companies near me
  • irrigation and landscaping companies near me
  • irrigation and lawn care near me
  • landscape & irrigation companies near me
  • landscape and irrigation companies near me
  • landscape and sprinkler company near me
  • landscape irrigation companies near me
  • landscape irrigation contractors near me
  • landscape sprinkler companies near me
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  • lawn sprinkler installation companies near me
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  • lawn sprinkler system installation near me
  • rainbird sprinkler system repair near me
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  • sprinkler system installation companies near me
  • sprinkler system installation near me
  • sprinkler system repair companies near me
  • underground sprinkler system installation near me
  • water sprinkler system installation near me

Trees Keywords

  • landscaping and tree service near me
  • tree and lawn care near me
  • tree and landscape services near me
  • tree and landscaping companies near me
  • tree and landscaping services near me
  • tree removal and landscaping service near me
  • tree service and landscaping near me

Weeding Keywords

  • landscape weed control companies near me
  • weeding landscaping services near me

Xeriscapes Keywords

  • xeriscape companies near me