Junk Removal Review Management

Collecting Reviews for Your Removal Services is Essential

87% of consumers use reviews as part of their decision-making process when hiring a local service provider according to a BrightLocal study. Consumers also don’t want to do business with companies that have less than a 4-star rating – just 48% would even consider doing so.

Your junk removal business must do quality work to get good reviews – but you must also make obtaining reviews from customers part of your overall process.

Your Google Business Profile reviews are the most important place on the Internet for you to have excellent reviews. Google reviews are one of their ranking factors in determining where you’ll appear in the local maps – ” More reviews and positive ratings can improve your business’s local ranking“. Other review sites on the Internet also consider the number of reviews and your overall Junk Removal ratings as ranking factors within their own sites.

Can I remove my Business from Google or Other Review Websites?

The short answer: You can’t.

Online review platforms are able to list your business and collect reviews for your Junk Removal business. The review platforms will not take down your business from their sites or stop collecting reviews even when you ask them to take action.

As a result, your only course of action is to make sure you’re the best junk removal company in your area – AND – that you’re consistently collecting reviews from your customers.

Junk Removal Companies – Increase Your Reviews

The collection of as many reviews from customers is essential. Be aware that this should be done according to the terms of service of the individual review platform. For certain review platforms, such as Google you can request reviews. Yelp as well as other review sites don’t allow business owners to directly solicit reviews.

You’ll have to be aware according to the review platform what kind of review collection methods are permitted.

There are many ways to get a customer to leave a review for your company. Here are a few of the most popular ways to get reviews about your junk removal business.

Text and a Review Link

The most effective way for your customers to give you a positive review is to send them a text message with a link to your business review page on a review platform. It’s easy for them and quick for you. Before you send an text, ask the client if they would be willing to leave a review.

Text Your Customers For Reviews (With Their Permission of Course)

Right when you’ve completed junk removal services for an individual customer is the best time to get them to give you a review. This will increase the chance that the customer provide your company with a review because the service you provided is still fresh in their mind.

The best site to accumulate reviews – Google – provides an easy step-by-step procedure for you to obtain reviews for your Google Business Profile. From your Google Business Profile, you should be able to click on the “Share Review Form” box to get a link to at you can give to your customers in order to get more reviews.

Go to Your Google Business Profile and select “Share Review Form” under the Get More Reviews section

Send this to your customers to get more junk removal reviews

Email a Review Link

You may also send an email to your customer with your link to write a review about the junk removal service you provide. It’s likely to get less attention than an SMS message. It is always possible that your email will be buried in your customer’s inbox – or when they receive your email, they may not have time to read or act on the email.

Use an Review Service

If you don’t feel like collecting reviews yourself, there are many review websites that make the review collection process a snap.


GatherUp offers review collection services starting at $99/month and can be used by as many as 3,500 clients. For collecting reviews, this includes both email (3,000/mo) and text (300/mo).

You’ll also get an online review widget that you can place on your junk removal company’s website. GatherUp offers robust reporting and reviews that can be monitored online.

GatherUp gives you a 14-day trial for free. trial.


Grade.US starts at $110 per month and is targeted at marketing agencies. However, you could also sign up your junk removal business for the service and manage it on your own. You can also text 200 customers per month for an additional fee. You can also add a review carousel on your website.

Grade.US also has a trial offer for a free trial period of 14 days.

Fake Reviews

If you have a robust review collection system using the methods above, getting real reviews won’t be an issue. There’s no need to boost your reviews with questionable tactics, for example, generating fake reviews.

Don’t ask anyone to write an untrue review of your junk removal business. Don’t encourage people who haven’t ever been actual customers to post reviews on Google or anywhere else.

The FTC is coming down hard on fake reviews because they’re deceitful business practices. Don’t let your friends or family members write reviews for your company. Do not hire companies to write reviews for your junk removal services.

These practices aren’t restricted to reviews. Any sort of false endorsement, even just a simple “like” on Facebook, can be seen as trying to trick consumers.

Incentivizing Reviews

You’re not allowed to offer prizes or contests in exchange for reviews

Incentivization of Reviews is yet another prohibited practice according to FTC. This can get you in trouble not only with the FTC – but the review platforms themselves. Review platforms want to make sure that reviews are authentic in order to let users continue to use their site.

What it means to your junk removal business is that it is not a good idea to provide any kind of kickback such as prizes, contests, or chance to win as part of writing a review. If you’re providing a high-quality service, then these methods shouldn’t be necessary anyway.

Online Review Monitoring

It’s essential to respond to reviews on a daily basis if feasible, and on a weekly basis at a minimum for most businesses. A majority of the review platforms mentioned earlier in this article provide review monitoring – which makes it easier for you to know when you’ve received reviews on different review platforms. You’re going to have to consistently monitor and respond to customer reviews for your junk removal services

Responding to Reviews of Your Junk Removal Services

In general, it is important to respond to all people that write reviews on your review sites. This lets your customers know that you’re involved in the process and value their feedback. It displays a level of responsiveness that many of your competitors probably don’t possess and could set you apart.

Reacting to Positive Reviews

It is easy to respond to reviews that praise your company. Let them know how much it was a pleasure to work with you, and then thank them for their patronage.

The company’s owner or technician doesn’t even have to be the one responding to reviews. You can instruct your team members on how to submit a reply.

You should also respond to Negative Reviews

Are you the best junk removal company in your area? The best in the world? It doesn’t matter. You’re going to get negative reviews. Dealing with these negative reviews appropriately is essential in order to properly manage the reputation of your company.

Fortunately getting an occasional negative review really isn’t a big deal for your business if you handle it professionally. Negative reviews are bound to happen and are just another part of running your business. Not having a few negative reviews can actually hurt your business. If your company has nothing other than positive reviews, it could appear fake to prospective customers.

According to Search Engine Land, 90 percent of the people surveyed don’t put too much stock in a single negative review – especially if the business owner addresses the negative review in a calm and reasonable manner. If you are able to respond appropriately, customers may even update their negative reviews to be more favorable when you, as the business’s owner, provide the right response to the negative review.

Marketing Opportunity that is geared toward prospects

While it might seem odd at first – when someone harshly criticizes your company in their review, your reply to their critique should be more focused on your potential customers than the person who wrote the review. Certain customers are lost cause and will never be satisfied. Therefore, the response you give to their negative review needs to be crafted to appeal to prospects.

The potential customers are likely to notice the unprofessional behavior of a client and ranting – you can’t reply in kind or else it will reflect extremely poorly on you. Keep emotion out of your reply and respond in a rational manner that attempts to help the person who wrote the negative review.

Be sure to have a rational, measured and well-thought-out reaction. Don’t argue. Ever.

You Messed Up and Received a Negative Review

Maybe you had a scheduling mixup. Maybe your crew overlooked an item or two on pickup.

When mistakes happen, own it. Apologize for any mixups and be contrite. If you are able, set it right with the homeowner/business owner. Fix any problems with your junk removal systems and processes.

Take care to address these issues as they pop up to ensure that you don’t have to face the same issues later on. These negative reviews can be an opportunity for you to learn how to improve your junk removal procedures.

Your Service Was Impeccable but You Still Received a Bad Review

The situation could be that you receive negative feedback despite providing perfect service. They are among the most difficult to respond to. It isn’t a good idea to be in a heated argument with your customer.

Be as sympathetic as possible with the user and thank them for their comments. Please be understanding of their issue and try to reach them directly if possible to come to an amicable solution. Do your best to resolve this situation offline to get to the root of the misunderstanding and make things right.

Fake Negative Reviews

74% of consumers have read a fake review in the last 12 months – and they’re extremely difficult to identify fake reviews amount legitimate reviews (Bright Local). It’s possible – even likely – that your company has multiple fake reviews on Google and elsewhere from people that weren’t even your customers.

Sometimes, a particularly adversarial competitor might hire a service to write negative reviews about your business on multiple review sites.

Other times, a consumer leaves your company a review by mistake, when instead it was the bozos across town that messed up the junk removal pickup.

If you’re certain you’re dealing with an illegitimate negative review, you’ll need to follow several steps:

1) Contact the Review Platform

Inform them that the author of the review was not any customer of your junk removal company

The review platforms are in business to make money – usually through advertising. Their customer service is generally pretty awful and nonresponsive – as there isn’t any money in providing customer services. For that reason, you’ll probably want to reply directly to the review as laid out below if the review platform doesn’t remove the negative review.

2) Respond to the Review

If the review system allows responses from the business owner, it is your job to make it clear that the individual (who left the review) is not a customer of your business. Continue on to say that your company is dedicated to providing the highest quality service available and that whenever there are issues with your services, you work closely with the customer to make things right.

Top Reviews Platforms for Junk Removal Companies

It is important to keep your eye on the reviews you receive about your junk removal business on the different online review platforms.

You can search for reviews online for your company by typing in the name of your junk removal company as well as the term “reviews”. In the image below, I searched for “Spot on Junk Removal Reviews” – a junk removal service provider in Colorado. A Search for a junk removal company shows listings and reviews on many different sites across the Web

You’ll notice that there are mentions and reviews of the company on numerous other websites that show up on the search results page. The listings have to be kept up-to-date and monitored. This is a quick summary of what’s happening:

Send your Junk Removal customers a link to your review page on Google – it is the best way to get them to leave you a review

Google Reviews

(A) in the screenshot above. This is likely the most important review repository of all. It is displayed when people search for your company. Be aware of and respond to Google reviews, as they will likely get more reviews than all other review sites put together.

Yelp Reviews

(B) in the screenshot above. Yelp may be included in search results for junk removal companies. You must create and update your Yelp business page, and then respond to reviews. The star rating is displayed in the search engine results – consumers don’t even have to click on the listing in the search results in order to see your star rating.


(C) in the screenshot above. The Better Business Bureau (BBB) reviews are trusted more than Google reviews. They don’t appear quite as prominently in the results as Google reviews, but it is still important for you to keep an eye on these reviews.

Facebook Reviews

In the above screenshot, (D). While not visible in the screenshot above, oftentimes a Facebook star rating will appear right on the Google search results page. Set up your Facebook business page and be sure to collect and monitor reviews and recommendations.

Other Sites

Other review sites that you could see when you search for your business include:

  • Angi.com, HomeAdvisor.com (same company – different sites)
  • referrallist.com
  • thumbtack.com
  • Yellowpages.com
  • houzz.com

For each, ensure you claim your listing and keep track of reviews – especially for websites that appear on the first or second page of search results. Consumers are very likely to see these reviews.

Local Services Ads Review

Send your Junk Removal customers a link to your review page on Google – it is the best way to get them to leave you a review

Google will request reviews for your junk removal company from your customers if you’re actively using Local Services Ads (a Google advertising offering). This allows you to collect reviews.

Unfortunately, this review collection is only for customers who use Local Services Ads. They aren’t included in the Google Business Profile reviews – so be sure to collect your Google Business Profile reviews in addition to local services ads.

Junk Removal Review Management Wrap Up

Your junk removal business is going to be listed on several websites that are completely outside of your control. This includes review sites. They won’t let you eliminate your company from their listings.

Instead, consider these websites as another way to market your company. Register your company on the major review sites. All reviews, whether positive or negative, should receive a response. Build monitoring and replying to reviews into your daily and weekly schedule.

When your customer posts an unfavorable review, whether it’s valid or not – do your best to remedy the issue. People who might be interested in your business can view your response and gain insight into what it might be like to work with your company. They will also be able to judge the way you deal with difficult situations. Your responses should always be calm, professional, and conciliatory when possible.

Although negative reviews happen in the course of doing business, they are not always a bad thing. Responding to them professionally will make your company more attractive in the eyes of potential customers. Try to resolve conflicts offline, if you can, and don’t fight with your customers online.