Roofing Review Management

Reviews are Essential for the Success of Your Roofing Company

87% of customers use reviews to aid in their process of hiring local services according to this BrightLocal study. This number continues to increase, as only 81% of customers used reviews in 2019. Review collection, review management, and providing customers with high-quality roofing work are essential to the success of your business.

Google Business Profile reviews are the best place to showcase all of your positive reviews. Google uses reviews as one of their ranking factors to determine where you’ll show up on the map results “More reviews and positive ratings can improve your business’s local ranking“. It’s safe to conclude that other review sites on the Internet incorporate reviews and star ratings into the internal rankings on their own review platforms.

Can I get rid of my Google Business Listing?


You can’t remove your business from Google or any of the other review websites. They will not respond to any takedown requests, and they’ll keep collecting reviews for your company.

Instead, embrace reviews as a marketing asset for your company. Focus on delivering best-of-class roofing services and make sure that you ask customers for reviews at the conclusion of each job.

How Roofers Can Easily Get Reviews

Collecting as many customer reviews as you can is essential. Note that this must be done in line with the terms of service within the review platform. For some review platforms like Google, you can request reviews. For companies like Yelp, it is not possible to directly ask for reviews, according to their conditions of service.

You’ll need to know from the review platform what kind of review collection actions are permitted.

There are many ways that customers can leave reviews for review services. Here are some of the most frequently used ways to solicit reviews on your roofing services.

Send a link for a review by text

Your roofing customers can easily leave you reviews via a text link that you send to their phones

Probably the best way to convince your customers to give you a positive review is to send them a text message that includes a link to your business review page on a review site. It’s easy for them and easy for you. Before sending the text, get the customer’s ok that they’re happy to receive the text and leave you a review. No one likes receiving unsolicited texts.

Once you’re done with all roofing work is the best time to start the review process with the homeowner. Your great roofing work is still in the forefront of their mind, and this will increase your chances of getting that review.

Google is the best platform for reviews. It is possible to follow this step-by-step process to obtain the review link on your Google Business Profile. From your Google Business Profile, you should be able to click on the “Share Review Form” box to get a link you can give to your customer’s order to get more reviews.

Go to Your Google Business Profile and select “Share Review Form” under the Get More Reviews section

When the roofing job is completed, send this link to your customer to make it easy for them to leave a review on Google.

Email a Review Link

You can also email your customer with the link to review your roofing company. You will probably get fewer responses to this than the text message. Your email may get hidden in their spam filter or they may not have time to finish the review when your email is received.

Use a Review Service

There are many review sites that can simplify and even automate the process of collecting reviews for your business.


GatherUp provides review collection services beginning at $99/month applicable for up to 3,500 customers. This includes both email (3,000/mo) and text (300/mo) options for collecting reviews.

You’ll also get an online review widget that is available to be embedded wherever you want to place it on your roofing company website. GatherUp also offers reports and review monitoring.

GatherUp has a free 14-day trial period.


Grade.US is $110/mo. It’s designed for marketing agencies, but you can also enroll your roofing company and manage it yourself. You can also send 200 texts per month at an additional charge. It is also possible to install an overview carousel on your site.

Grade.US also offers a no-cost trial option for 14 days.

Fake Reviews

If you’ve developed a strong review collection procedure using the strategies above, obtaining real reviews won’t be an issue. You won’t feel the need to strengthen your reviews using questionable methods like generating fake reviews.

Never ever convince someone to provide a fake review for your roofing company. Don’t allow people who have never been customers to post reviews on Google or other sites.

The FTC is cracking down on fake reviews because these are viewed as intentionally trying to trick consumers. Don’t permit family members or friends to post reviews on your company review pages. Don’t hire fake review networks or shady services to leave you reviews (believe it or not, these fake review networks exist). These practices aren’t restricted to text-based reviews. False endorsements – even the simplest “like” on Facebook, can be seen as deceitful business marketing methods.

Incentivizing Reviews

You’re not allowed to offer prizes or contests in exchange for reviews

Incentivization of Reviews is another prohibited review collection method, as per the FTC. It could cause trouble not just with the FTC but also with the review platforms themselves. The review platforms want to make sure that reviews are as legit as they can be so that users keep using the review platform’s website.

That means your roofing business should not provide any reward like a prize, competition, or chance to win in the exchange for reviews. These strategies aren’t necessary anyway if you’re doing what you’re supposed to be doing – providing world-class roofing services.

Online Review Monitoring

It is important that you’re responding to reviews as often as feasible. This should be weekly at a minimum. Many of the review sites mentioned in this article allow review monitoring, which allows you to check what reviews have been posted across different review sites. You’re going to have to consistently monitor and respond to customer reviews for your roofing services

Responding to Your Roofing Reviews

Most of your competitors probably don’t respond to their reviews – and this is where you can differentiate yourself as a roofer is constantly looking to improve. You must respond to reviews written about your business on review sites. It shows that you’re an active business owner and you appreciate hearing the good and the bad from your roofing customers.

Reacting to Positive Reviews

It’s simple to respond to positive reviews about your company. Thank them for their patronage and let them know what it was a pleasure working with them.

It doesn’t have to be a business owner or the technician who responds to reviews. You can instruct your team members on how to submit a reply to those good reviews.

Negative reviews should also be addressed

Negative reviews are inevitable regardless of whether your roofing company does flawless work every time. If you’ve been in business for any length of time, you’ve no doubt encountered the occasional customer who can’t be satisfied no matter how hard you try.

Negative reviews are a part of running a business. In reality, if an organization has only good reviews, it can seem fake to your prospects. So, the occasional negative review shouldn’t be a big hindrance to your roofing business handle it properly and in a timely manner.

According to Search Engine Land, 90 percent of people surveyed will not hold the occasional negative review against you, especially if you as the business owner take the time to respond to the issue. Many consumers will even update their negative reviews to make them more favorable when the business owner delivers a response that makes things right.

Marketing Opportunity Geared Towards Prospects

It may seem counterintuitive, but when you react to negative feedback about your roofing services, your response is more about your potential prospects rather than the customer who wrote the negative review. Some customers are a lost cause and are never satisfied. Therefore, the response you give to their negative review should be written with your prospects as your primary audience.

If your reviewer is ranting and acting emotionally or irrationally, prospects will see this. Your prospects will likely view the reviewer as the problem not you – as long as you respond to the negative review in a calm, logical manner.

Take a measured, rational, and well-thought-out approach Try to make the situation right if possible. Be sure to show you care. Avoid arguments.

Mistakes Leading to Bad Reviews

If your crew screws up on a roofing job, take ownership of it. Acknowledge any mishaps and be honest. Make it right with the homeowner, if possible.

Improve your business – don’t let mistakes happen more than once. If there was a legitimate communication or service problem, resolve it in order to avoid having to experience the same problem later on. Sometimes, negative reviews offer a chance for you to gain knowledge and improve your roofing systems and processes.

A Bad Review – But You Did a Great Job!

The situation could be that you receive negative feedback despite offering flawless service. This is the most difficult to respond to. It is also important not to get into a fight with an individual customer.

You must thank them for their comments and sympathize with them. If possible try reaching out to the person directly for an answer. Take this offline if possible and do your best to satisfy the customer.

False Negative Reviews

The internet is full of fake reviews. There are actually unethical services out there that will leave negative (or positive) reviews for a fee. If you’ve been in a business a while, you’ve probably received a fake review from a person you’ve never serviced.

You’ll need to take several steps if you are certain that you are experiencing fake negative reviews.

1. Contact the Review Platform

Email the review website directly to let them know that you have a fake reviewer who wasn’t even a customer of yours.

Unfortunately, the review services are notoriously unresponsive, and most likely won’t act based on your protest. Therefore, I suggest that you also:

2) Respond to the Review

If the review platform allows comments from the business’s owner, be sure to respond and make it clear that the person (who left the review) was not an actual customer of your company. You should mention that your company is committed to providing the highest level of service available and that what they’re referring to didn’t occur. It may be beneficial to say that in the rare instances that a client isn’t initially satisfied with the services that you make every effort to fix the issue.

Best Reviews and Platforms for Roofers

You’ll need to keep track of the reviews you get from the different online review platforms.

One of the ways to find out where people leave reviews on online sites for your business is to type in the name of your roofing company and then the word “reviews”. In the screenshot below I’ve searched for “JBC Roofing and Gutters Reviews”. This is a Colorado-based company that I have no connection with.

As you can see below, the results show reviews and listings of the company on other websites. Here’s a quick overview of the information we’ve gathered:

You’re not allowed to offer prizes or contests in exchange for reviews

Google Reviews

(A) in the screenshot above. Prospects will see these reviews more than any other review source – making Google reviews extremely important. You must monitor and respond to these Google reviews.

Yelp Reviews

(B) in the screenshot above. In most industries, including roofing, Yelp appears near or at the top of the search results on the first page. Notice that the star ratings are present. Prospects don’t even have to click through on Yelp to see your Yelp ratings.

That’s why it is so important for you to create a business page on Yelp for your roofing business. Respond to reviews on Yelp as well.

HomeAdvisor and Reviews and Listings

In the screenshot above, (C) and (G) are for HomeAdvisor and Angi. These are the same company – but they do have separate websites – at least as of January 2022. Similar to Yelp, your star rating might be displayed on the page (as you can see the star rating for the listing) – so it is crucial to be aware of your listings and give the best service.


(D) in the screenshot above. While not always highly visible in the search results, the BBB listing for your business is extremely important. Consumers actually trust the BBB rating more than Google reviews according to the BrightLocal study referenced earlier.

Local Sites

(E) in the screenshot above. This is from a local marketing company here in Denver that recommends firms that go through an assessment process. You’ll want to pay close on any site that mentions your company even if it doesn’t have stars.

Facebook Reviews and Recommendations

Facebook reviews and recommendations oftentimes will appear in the search results for your roofing business. Be sure to set up your Facebook business page and allow reviews. Then monitor and respond to reviews on Facebook.

Other Websites

There are also review websites when you search for your company’s name:


For each, make sure you’ve registered your business and actively watch your reviews.

Online Review Management Wrap-Up

Roofing companies will be listed on a variety of websites that are not controlled by you, such as review sites. These websites won’t permit the removal of your business from their website.

Review sites can be used to market your company. Make sure your company’s profile is registered on all of the major review websites. Reviews, no matter how positive or negative, should get your response.

Try to address any negative reviews posted by customers. Prospective customers can see your responses to reviews and evaluate your professionalism. They will also be able to assess the manner in which you respond to difficult situations. Occasional negative reviews are a part of doing business. Handling these reviews in a positive way can put your business in a favorable light in the eyes of prospective customers.

If you can, resolve conflicts offline, and never argue with customers online.