PPC Audits

Pay Per Click Audits Overview

Even the best-run ad campaigns need a review periodically.

If one of the following applies to you, it may be time for a fresh assessment of your ad account:

Do You Rarely Touch Your Ad Campaigns?

Maybe your ad campaign hasn’t been touched in a while. Everything had been sailing along smoothly for quite some time. Perhaps you’re now seeing some declines in performance, but your big fear is that you’re missing out on opportunities.

Advertising platforms introduce new technology at a breakneck pace. Features that may give you the ability to better reach your targeted audience need to be tested in your accounts as they are introduced.

Competition keeps increasing and innovating. If your ad campaign is standing still, odds are your competitors are better positioned to get more quality leads.

You’re missing out. You’re not keeping up with the latest technology or keeping an eye on the competition.

Is Your PPC Performance Slipping?

Your costs have gone up, and your conversions are going down. It is getting more and more expensive to get fresh leads into your business. It is probably time to take a new look at things.

Do You Have the Right Person Managing Paid Search Accounts?

Maybe performance isn’t all that bad, but you suspect it could be better. Perhaps you’re beginning to doubt the person managing your ad campaigns is up to the task.

Whether that manager is an agency, a contractor, an employee – or even you – we can be your second set of eyes to identify potential issues with  accounts that need improvement.

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PPC Audit Cost

The cost of a PPC audit will vary depending on your needs.

The larger your ad account is, the more time it will likely take for our team to conduct the audit. Smaller, local campaigns generally require significantly less time and, therefore, will cost less.

Contact us to get an idea of approximately how long the audit will take and how much it will cost.

PPC Auditing Resources

We offer a free PPC Audit Checklist that you can use to gauge your ad campaign setup.